Amal Abdou
I am really lucky to start this meditation. One year ago, one of my friends has encouraged me to try this mediation and I was happy to be introduced to it. The first level was hard for me; however, it was the most important. It has helped me a lot in discarding all the bad memories I used to have to be able to start and focus on my thoughts. I used to be subjective, negative, and anxious.
However, once I started this mediation, everything started to gradually change.
I started to accept myself and my anxiety more. Acceptance began when I started to look at everything in an objective way. Getting out from "Amal" and looking at her from another perspective, a more objective one. I started to recognize that all of my negative thoughts are nothing, but are images that ruin the peace of my soul. Every time I have a negative thought I keep following this meditation method. so I remind myself with the mediation and that all these thoughts are just images that come from my fear and anxiety. They are pictures that should be discarded so to live peacefully and have a happier life.
Accepting my anxiety and my negative thoughts and discarding them have helped me a lot in becoming more positive and flexible with myself. This also resulted when I realized that I am not my thoughts and I am not my anxiety. The mediation has helped me to become a more positive woman. This is through abandoning everything in my subconscious mind and the roots of my thoughts. Instead of asking myself why I am thinking that way and why I have this negative thought, I am being more flexible with myself and not being curious about these thoughts. This mediation has helped me a lot not to give attention to my negative thoughts and be simple and innocent with myself. Whenever I have negative thoughts, I discard them more easily than before.
Because of the techniques of this meditation, I am able to control these thoughts and not make them cause anxiety to me. The time that I realize that they are just thoughts, they are just images that come up because of my overthinking and anxiety, they all disappear when I follow this meditation method. This mediation has not only helped me in becoming a more positive woman with myself, but has also taught me the importance of being kind and helping other people. This mediation highlights the values of humanity and the importance of being kind, open-minded, understandable and humble. I am now in the habits class and I am curious to continue this mediation until the end.
I hope to become a more positive woman and this will not be achieved unless I finish my habit class. I recommend anyone to start this meditation and be committed to it, as commitment will help a lot in feeling the positive change within you.
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